pacific silver fir การใช้
- It is more tolerant than all its associates except Pacific silver fir, western hemlock, and Alaska cedar.
- The higher elevations of the park surrounding Schoen Lake also consist of mountain hemlock, Pacific Silver Fir and wolves.
- Vegetation in the Waldo Lake Wilderness consists mostly of Douglas-fir, mountain hemlock, and Pacific silver fir.
- These mountains are not the highest of the Klamath Mountains, but due to the Alaska Yellow-Cedar and Pacific Silver Fir.
- Pacific silver fir is a major climax species in many communities of the mountain hemlock forest in British Columbia and Washington and northern Oregon.
- Mountain hemlock is more commonly the major climax species in the mountain hemlock zone south of central Oregon where Pacific silver fir does not occur.
- The Alpine Lakes Wilderness is considered by the Pacific Silver Fir, Subalpine Mountain Hemlock, Subalpine Fir, and Grand Fir / Douglas Fir.
- It is a very shade-tolerant tree; among associated species in the Pacific Northwest, it is matched or exceeded in shade tolerance only by Pacific silver fir.
- In addition, the headwaters of the Salmon River in the wilderness also hold a relict stand of Pacific silver fir, which is the southern most stand in the range of the species.
- Pacific silver fir is very closely related to Maries'fir " A . mariesii " from Japan, which is distinguished by its slightly shorter leaves and smaller cones, which are long.
- Each of these component ecoregions can be described by either a tree indicator species, or by a lack of trees : western hemlock, Pacific silver fir, subalpine mountain hemlock, subalpine fir, and grand fir / Douglas fir.
- Maries'fir is very closely related to Pacific silver fir " A . amabilis " from the Pacific coast of North America, which is distinguished by its slightly longer leaves ( 2 4.5 cm ) and larger cones ( 9 17 cm long ).
- The fruit bodies ( also called conks ) of " Bridgeoporus " are found singly or sometimes in overlapping layers on old trees ( diameter at breast height ) of noble fir ( " Abies procera " ), and more rarely Pacific silver fir ( " Abies amabilis " ) or western hemlock ( " Tsuga heterophylla " ).
- This species is found in the Pacific Northwest region of North America where it grows on large ( at least 1 m diameter ) specimens of noble fir ( " Abies procera " ), Pacific silver fir ( " Abies amabilis " ), or western hemlock ( " Tsuga heterophylla " ) . " Bridgeoporus nobilissimus " causes a brown rot in its tree hosts.